2024 SMC Race 2

August 10, 2024Mission, British ColumbiaWest Coast International Sprite-Midget Challenge Race 2*for immediate release*The West Coast Sprite-Midget Challenge series is officially an INTERNATIONAL event after a fun, safe, successful…and extra long race in Mission, British Columbia on August 10. Run in conjunction with BCHMR, SOVREN, and VRCBC, the race featured twelve cars, including five from Canada,… Continue reading 2024 SMC Race 2

2024 SMC Race 1

June 29, 2024West Coast Sprite-Midget Challenge Race 1*for immediate release* June 29, 2024 saw the first of three 2024 Sprite-Midget Challenge races on the West Coast. Despite a weekend with high attrition, twelve Spridgets lined up on the inside of turn 8 at Pacific Raceways for a Le Mans style start. At the wave of… Continue reading 2024 SMC Race 1

Race Wrench

by Brian Volkert Got a Race Wrench? Most low-budget vintage racers have one. Maybe under a different name but they’re there. ‘Race Wrench’ is the name for that compatriot who is there to help, cajole and coach your vintage racing experience. Different than paid professional help or fellow racer(s), they contribute immeasurable hours to help… Continue reading Race Wrench